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If last month, an entire article was reserved for different female orgasms, it was only natural to do the same for you gentlemen. Although men's and women's orgasms are very different, the fact remains that they both offer very intense sensations that deserve attention.

It is said that the female orgasm is more complex than the male orgasm, is more difficult to achieve and requires a greater level of concentration. Despite what we may believe, a man's orgasm can, just like a woman's, be very intense and stimulating.

Who says male orgasm, says ejaculation, which is true in the vast majority of cases. However, it happens that a man reaches orgasm without ejaculating or that he ejaculates without orgasm. Some men will ejaculate internally upon reaching orgasm, or towards the bladder. This is a retrograde orgasm caused by a malformation of the genitals. On the other hand, a man who is very unfocused in the moments before reaching orgasm may send a false message to his brain which will make him ejaculate...without orgasm. In more regular cases of ejaculation, the quantity of semen ejected during orgasm is on average the equivalent of a tablespoon. The volume obtained will however vary depending on the man's days of abstinence, but will no longer change after 6 days of sexual inactivity.

A man's orgasm lasts a little less than a woman's. On average, the male orgasm will last between 5 and 20 seconds while the female orgasm can last up to 60 seconds. For men, the orgasm obtained during lovemaking is more satisfying than an orgasm obtained through masturbation. In fact, the level of prolactin, the hormone linked to arousal, is 4 times higher after a full sexual relationship than after moments of solo caresses.

Did you know, gentlemen, that you can experience 3 different types of orgasms? Even if the sensation obtained is often more centralized than in women, who will feel it throughout their entire body, it is interesting to know that different stimulations will make you experience different types of orgasms.

The glandular orgasm is undoubtedly the most common orgasm in men. It is also the easiest to obtain since it is enough to cover the glans with the foreskin in a constant back and forth movement. Result: a rapid orgasm, which can be obtained solo or in a duo!

Penile orgasm, for its part, requires that the glans not be touched or stimulated. It is rather by massaging at the very base of the penis and at the level of the perineum that the man manages to feel this type of orgasm. Unlike the glans orgasm, the penile orgasm is more intense and deep.
Prostate orgasm, or prostate orgasm, is achieved by massaging the prostate with a finger through anal touch. It is this region that we nickname the “P Point”, the equivalent of the G Spot in women. There are also sex toys that can help you achieve this type of orgasm which would be very intense and very deep. It is also said of this orgasm that simply feeling the gland (prostate) swell inside you can be enough to lead to 7th heaven. Our online store is also full of tools to help you achieve prostate orgasm and stimulate your P-Spot,

And just like women, men can achieve orgasm in different ways, and by stimulating different regions of the body. Nipples, buttocks or even feet can bring enough pleasure and excitement to allow a man to reach orgasm. It is therefore enough, gentlemen, to know your body well as well as the caresses that give you the most pleasure. Good research !

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