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Does hotdogging mean anything to you? It’s a safe bet that you have already opted for this position without even knowing its fun and very meaningful name, because yes, its name is directly inspired by the traditional “hot dog”. You will quickly understand why! Hotdogging is a very versatile position that can be practiced both for foreplay and when reaching orgasm. SexxxPlus reveals everything you need to know about the “hot” hotdogging position!

A position without penetration
The first thing to remember about the hotdogging position is that it is done without penetration. It therefore represents a great alternative for women who experience certain pain during penetration or for those who like to make love during their periods. With hotdogging, we prefer friction between the two bodies and the genitals to complete penetration. And although we let go of penetration, we don't sacrifice pleasure!

To adopt the hotdogging position, the man will position himself behind his partner and can gently slide his erect penis between her two buttocks, like a hot dog sausage is inserted inside a bun. Probably the easiest sex position to image in the entire Kamasutra!

A question of slippage
To succeed in hotdogging, the penis must therefore be placed parallel to the woman's intergluteus and move back and forth there. This position can be practiced before anal sex to gently prepare both partners and increase their desire and excitement. For greater pressure on his machine, the man can grab his partner's buttocks and tighten their grip a little more on his very excited member. To excite the man more and feel the jolts throughout his body, the woman can also contract her gluteal muscle to surprise her man at any time.

And make no mistake, hotdogging is not just about providing pleasure to men. Indeed, depending on the position of the penis, the different slides can stimulate the woman's clitoris until the ultimate achievement of orgasm. Do you prefer hotdogging in preliminary mode? Sliding the penis and stimulating the clitoris is a good preamble to the doggy style position by allowing the area to be well lubricated.

And speaking of lubrication, here is a product to have on hand when you practice hotdogging to help with better sliding, Floravi silicone-based Lubricant, . Very silky and durable, its soft texture will provide excellent lubrication while protecting from friction. Its ingredients do not penetrate the pores of the skin and therefore avoid any risk of infection. It will only take a few drops for optimal lubrication.

So, are you ready to slide into hotdogging?

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