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What is the first word that comes to mind when it comes to sexuality and sexual relationships? Passion? Sensuality? Pleasure? Orgasm? No matter what you initially associate with the sensations associated with making love, SexxxPlus wants to help you improve your sexuality with some useful little tips that you can put into practice to make love even better.

The importance of being well equipped
And we're not talking here about the size of the male organ or a vibrator, but about this Lotus Noir desensitizing gel, designed specifically to intensify female and male orgasms. Made from certified organic ingredients, this product enhances sensations and acts as a stimulator both on the clitoris and the penis.

Get off on the right foot
To start a sexual relationship on the right foot and maximize pleasure, it is important to start effectively. And to do it, just one word to remember: foreplay! Both for women, to lubricate the vagina, and for men to enable a hard and firm erection, foreplay helps build up excitement little by little to increase the pleasures during sexual intercourse.

Know your pleasures
Once the machine is well started and well oiled, it is important to operate it efficiently. To do this, you need to know the areas to be stimulated as a priority. There are as many ways to make love as there are people to do it. It is therefore mainly for this reason that you should not be afraid to indicate to your partner the areas which make you shiver the most when caressed. Testicles, nipples, neck, buttocks, there are so many exciting places to be touched, just name them!

To take a position
You certainly have positions that make you more comfortable making love and in which you are more certain of reaching orgasm. Remember, however, that nothing stops you from trying new positions throughout your lovemaking, just to see which ones please you and give you pleasure. And if none of them manages to get you on the path to orgasm, nothing stops you from finalizing the relationship with a more familiar and exciting position.

Orgasm, the absolute goal?
Well no! Making love well does not mean systematically having an orgasm at the end of sexual intercourse, quite the contrary. A sexual relationship can be exciting, exciting, sensual and memorable without ending in an orgasm. By putting aside this sacrosanct race to orgasm, you will also get rid of all that unnecessary pressure to achieve it. In the world of sexuality, there is not only the black zone and the white zone, but a range of colors between the two which make the sexual relationship fully satisfactory, orgasm or not! Because after all, achieving it is good, but experiencing pleasure without feeling any pressure is even better!

Finally, don't lose sight of the fact that the importance of sexual relations is the pleasure you feel and the satisfaction you can get from it. In a world where everything moves quickly and where the pressure to perform influences the different spheres of our lives, be sure to leave this stress out of your private moments! Remember, less pressure also means more fun!

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