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Fantasy of fantasies, making love in the bathtub can often be impossible for many. Slippery surfaces, restricted space, poorly placed taps are some of the obstacles that can discourage many when the time comes for a little moment of intimacy during a relaxing bath. Fortunately, SexxxPlus comes to the rescue by offering you the most suitable sexual positions to become nothing less than the pro of eroticism in the bathtub. And with the hot season signaling the arrival of the erotic heat, this is an exciting and refreshing time to put on the schedule!

To get in the mood
First step for a successful bath, lighting. In general, overhead lights are too bright and strong to allow for absolute relaxation. We will therefore opt for subdued lighting by lighting candles throughout the bathroom. But watch out for smells! Be sure to select only one fragrance to avoid mixing which could end in a nasty headache.

Once the ambiance is set, adjust the room temperature. The idea is to be able to stay in the bath for a long time, without shivering and feeling the cold. Chilly people, we adjust the thermostat before diving into the water! To complete your preparation for erotic relaxation, pour Lovebath into your water, so that it transforms into thousands of delicate pearls. A sensual experience that you will want to repeat, there is no doubt about it,

Knowing how to strike a pose
If you are too rushed and excited and cannot wait for the bath to finish filling, you can opt for the chair position. Easily practicable and with a very low level of difficulty, the man sits on the edge of the bath, and the woman sits on him, so that her back is facing the man's face. man. The next step, we’ll let you guess!

If you have been patient enough to let the bath fill completely, you can now practice the union bee position. To perform it, the man lies at the bottom of the bathtub, and the woman lies on top of him, her back pressed against her partner's chest. A relaxing and easy to perform position, perfect for slowly building orgasms!

Do you have a small bathtub? The position of the Amazon will be designated for you. The man sits in the bath with his legs slightly curled towards his chest. His partner comes to sit between his knees to facilitate penetration, without imminent overflow!

Finally, the last position, but not least, the Andromache. This position is among the most pleasant to practice in the water, so your bath is ideal for it. To perform the Andromache to perfection, the man lies at the bottom of the bath with his legs completely extended. The woman comes to place herself on top, her legs folded against her partner's thighs. Andromache is recognized as being a position favoring the rapid arrival of orgasm, in addition to effectively stimulating the entrance to the vagina as well as the G-spot.

You are now ready for some sex in the relaxing and warm environment of your bathroom. Good bath!

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