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If the list of benefits of sexuality on the body is quite long and impressive, what about abstinence? Does this choice to voluntarily deprive oneself of sexuality, regardless of the reasons, have positive effects on the body? Some people practice complete abstinence from sexual relations, while others will abstain from making love with their partner, but allow themselves small pleasures alone. Abstinence therefore has variable geometry and can be partial, temporary and even selective.

The positive effects of abstinence
There is good in everything, and abstinence is no exception. No matter the reason why a person does not have sex, they will find, through this process, certain positive effects. The absence of sexuality allows you to take stock of yourself, to be introspective and to take the time to think about your sexuality, what you like and what you like less. This is a step that can allow you to come back strong and be more able to tell your partner what caresses you like to receive and what you like less.

Abstaining from sex for a period of time also happens when a person wants to heal from sexual pain such as abuse or rape. The period of abstinence takes on a completely different meaning here, and the person will need time before resuming a more normal sexual rhythm. She will have to meet a person and learn to trust again before being ready to abandon herself again in the arms of a partner.

The “dark” side of abstinence
Since there are always 2 sides to a coin, sexual abstinence also comes with its negative points, starting with a reduced libido. Stopping sex will cause a drop in endorphins that are usually produced during sex. They provide a feeling of well-being and allow sex to be associated with a positive element. The less these neurotransmitters circulate in the body, the less the body will believe that it needs sex and the more the libido will decrease. However, experts are reassuring and affirm that the sexual appetite returns quickly once sexuality resumes, enough to affirm that libido is like cannot be lost!

Abstinence will also have visible effects on mental health. People who are sexually abstinent experience higher levels of stress and anxiety than those who have sex regularly. Lack of sexual intercourse actually prevents the body from reducing blood pressure in the body, which will therefore increase more sharply during stressful situations.

They will also notice a decrease in their level of self-confidence since sex has the effect of making us feel better about ourselves and more desirable towards our partner.

The immune system will also experience the repercussions of sexual abstinence, starting with the reduction in the production of immunoglobulins which contain the antibodies which allow us to defend ourselves against attacks from external microbes. You will therefore be more likely to catch small viruses present in your environment.

Abstain without neglecting the couple
Sexuality is one thing, but exchanges of love and tenderness between 2 people are another. It is important not to confuse these two notions when choosing to be abstinent. If this refusal of sexuality can sometimes be difficult for the couple, it is essential to maintain the latter through tender and intimate moments, which will not necessarily lead to the achievement of an orgasm. If you have chosen together to be abstinent, take advantage of this period of sexual inactivity to maintain your relationship. Talk and listen to each other. Kisses and caresses are still allowed…so why not treat yourself to a little relaxation massage without breaking down?

If, however, your partner has made the decision to experience a period of abstinence with which you are more or less comfortable, know that a good number of sexual objects will have the effect of satisfying you during this moment. Take the time to visit our online store, you will certainly find your new essential companion there!
For Madame’s companion:
For the gentleman’s companion:

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