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It’s proven, sex is good for your health! Indeed, having sex on a regular basis would have a positive impact on the body. Sexuality can be, to a certain extent, comparable to moderate-intensity physical activity, thereby improving the physical and psychological health of those who practice it. Focus on the benefits of sexuality on the body and mind!

A feeling of well-being throughout the body
Before even reviewing the different phenomena occurring in the cerebral cortex and throughout the body, let us remember that having sex frequently can significantly reduce the level of stress and anxiety. . To have a good time in bed, it is necessary to clear your head, thereby expelling all the negative and distressing thoughts related to our day.

When reaching orgasm, several hormones are produced and released, all of which have a positive and relaxing impact on the body. At the time of enjoyment, the body releases dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a hormone which stimulates the immune system and which has an anti-aging effect, mainly on the muscular and bone systems, partly preventing their degeneration.

Sexuality also acts as a natural analgesic, thanks to the release of anti-cortisol hormones, or cortisol regulator. The latter, often called the stress hormone, is secreted by the adrenal cortex glands, located in the kidneys. It aims to protect the body by helping it nourish the heart and brain.

At the time of an orgasm, the production of oxytocin also acts as an analgesic, reducing headaches and muscle pain. It will in turn secrete dopamine and endorphins, these hormones of pleasure and well-being. You will therefore no longer be able to use the famous excuse “Not tonight, I have a headache”, because sexual relations will, on the contrary, allow you to stop your nasty migraine. And ladies, also know that one of the positive effects of sexuality on your body will be the reduction of period-related pain and help stabilize your menstrual cycle. Isn't that fantastic?

Serotonin, another hormone secreted during the act, provides a feeling of general well-being. This is usually what is felt once orgasm has been reached, that very pleasant moment when a feeling of general appeasement invades us.
Have you ever been told that sex makes you happier? Well, yeah ! The release of tension when reaching orgasm is due to endorphins, these neurotransmitters responsible for feelings of joy and well-being. The area of ​​the brain where the hippocampus is located, the limbic system, also plays a role in regulating mood, and sexuality could give it a helping hand.

An exciting physical activity
Sex is equivalent to moderate exercise in terms of calories burned. An average sexual encounter will allow you to burn off around 200 calories. This is not enough to lose weight by burning fat, but it still has a positive impact on the overall health of the body.

Sexuality is good for cardiovascular health and reducing the chances of suffering a heart attack, because it makes the heart pump and increases its frequency allowing blood to circulate better throughout the body. It also participates in the elimination of toxins through the evacuation of sweat and solicits and stimulates different muscle areas on the body, which is equivalent to practicing a small physical activity.

As the immune system is strengthened through physical activity, the risks of catching certain small viruses are reduced since the body is more active and healthy. And gentlemen, know that a good frequency of ejaculation will reduce the risk of prostate cancer. By ejaculating an average of 21 times per month, a man can reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer by almost 22%. A good habit to integrate into your lifestyle.

Obviously, having a healthy lifestyle and a good diet are the best ways to take care of your body and your health, but if sex can help…why not!

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