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When fatigue, stress and the unknown come together, how do we go about getting back into a sexual routine like before? Dive into this article to explore the nuances of postpartum sexuality.

Obviously, returning to normal sexuality does not happen by snapping your fingers. Sexuality as you knew it before becoming parents may take time to resurface. With the arrival of a baby, priorities change and lifestyle habits are shaken up. We have to adapt to this new way of life with little (or no!) sleep, and a little being 100% dependent on us.

In the first weeks after the birth of a baby, a woman's sexuality is completely absent. In addition to the short nights and the many worries of a new mother, this phenomenon can be explained by the increase in prolactin in the woman's body. This anti-desire hormone is responsible for stimulating lactation. In return, it has the ability to considerably lower dopamine, the hormone linked to libido. It is only after 3 months that prolactin will begin to decline. Milk production will continue, and sexual desire will tend to reappear.

Couples will have their first postpartum sexual relationship on average between 4 to 8 weeks after the baby is born. It is strongly discouraged to have sexual relations in the first days after delivery since the cervix is ​​not completely closed and the scars have not healed. The woman therefore becomes much more at risk of contracting certain small infections. At this stage, most of them are not at all ready to get back into “sexuality” mode.

Gentlemen, you will have to be patient and not force your sweetheart to make love. Forcing the bill would have the effect of blocking his sexual desire. She might also have the perineum area still sensitive and painful. Better to wait until the body, like the head, is ready to get back to it! When it is, and in order not to rush it, consider using a gentle water-based lubricant, which will help the new mother enjoy penetration again. SexxxPlus also offers you a water-based lubricant:

The fatigue of new parents can also contribute to reducing the desire to resume sexuality. Remember, however, that before you were parents, you were a couple. It is essential, for the good of your relationship, to take this into account and take moments to reconnect as a couple. In addition, remember that sexual activity helps reduce the stress and tension you will have. accumulated when becoming parents.

The important thing will always be to go gradually and at your own pace. Share your anxieties and worries together, and remember that foreplay is a valuable ally when it comes to increasing the libido. Take it easy, take your time, and let yourself go. You will see, fear will quickly give way to pleasure!

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