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With autumn slowly settling in and bringing time with it more
fresh, why not opt ​​for a shower for two on occasion? Hot water
which flows gently over us and which creates shivers of excitement, the kisses
wet, the two bodies intertwined... In short, time stops to let
all the room for sexuality.

As a couple, we tried the experience, which was very stimulating. To add
a touch of romance to the room and eliminate lights that are too strong and too
aggressive, we opted for the addition of small candles for a
more subdued lighting. The confined space of the shower certainly added more
challenging, but made it more exciting. This special excitement comes
perhaps because the bathroom is not usually a room where one
indulges in sexual relations frequently.

Standing there, face to face, we felt really connected to each other. We
looked into each other's eyes, our bodies against each other. Even if in these
conditions, the excitement increases quickly, we have not neglected the
foreplay starting with a massage. The caresses on our covered bodies
of hot water were enough to make us forget the obstacle of all the couples who
indulge in love in the shower...the sometimes perilous and vertical position
in which we find ourselves.

We also used the water jets to increase the excitement a notch before
get down to business ". The shower wall turned out to be our most
great ally for a stable and successful vertical position. One leg around
my partner's pelvis allowed me to quickly reach orgasm.

To finish gently, still under the jets of hot water, we
We are washed and caressed again, before wrapping ourselves up in our
towels that we had taken care to send for a cycle in the dryer.
Still to avoid being cold when going out, we had planned ahead by
increasing the room temperature by a few degrees. An element that can
seem trivial, but which will make all the difference once sexual relations

If this way of doing things is not for everyone, nothing is stopping you from
use it as a preliminary before continuing under the covers.

And if you are curious to try the experiment, know that water has an effect
anti-lubricant. It is therefore advisable to carry an oil-based lubricant with you
to help during penetration.

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