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While we presented to you the best techniques for seducing a man last month, SexxxPlus presents to you this month its file on female seduction. Discover the habits to adopt immediately to put all the chances on your side of seducing a woman.

There are as many means of seduction as there are women and while some women are more inclined to be charmed with a more minimalist seduction, others, on the other hand, prefer confident charmers. However, if there is one thing they all agree on (or almost!) it is that seduction is a judicious mix of words and gestures that deserve attention.

What women want
Women are looking for authenticity. They want a partner who is comfortable in their skin and in their head. No need to act macho or sporty, they want to know you naturally, without artifice. Gentlemen, be yourselves and you will certainly win points with the fairer sex. Are you at the stage of a first date? Be well dressed, be assertive, but don't be someone else. If he likes you, it might as well be for the person you are...and not for the person you are not!

Playing the honesty card always pays off. If she interests you, show her. On the other hand, if you don't think it will go any further, let him know politely and respectfully. By putting your cards on the table from the outset, you will avoid things left unsaid that will unnecessarily stretch the relationship. Are you interested in her, but only on a friendly basis? Why not tell him, and develop a bond together over the years?

When you first meet, listen to her. Let her tell you who she is, her aspirations, her work, her hobbies, her dreams. Ask her questions, she will be happy to see that you are really interested in her. Also tell him about your life. She will definitely be curious to know who you are and what you do. Show him that you have a busy life, while still having time to have a partner. Women like to have an independent man by their side who has his own outings and activities.

Did the first meeting go well and you want to see it again? Don't act unnecessarily indifferent to get his attention. It is wrong to believe that this is what women are looking for. On the contrary, show her interest and surprise her. Send her a bouquet of flowers home or surprise her when she leaves the office. Small, simple gestures, but which will not betray the interest you have in him.

What women don't want
Have you seen the film Tanguy? The main character of the same name is exactly what women aren't looking for in a romantic relationship. Although some have a strong maternal side, they have no interest in playing the role of your mother. Show yourself to be independent, assertive and autonomous. Even if she likes you very much, she doesn't want to come into your life to manage your schedule and do your laundry. It's better not to adopt bad habits from the start if you want the relationship to last over time!

And if your first meetings go perfectly and things go further, why not let her benefit from your talents as a massage therapist by offering her a relaxing, sensual and erotic massage that she will remember for a long time. To enhance everything, take a look at our online store:à+massage

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