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Almost everyone can say they have pretended at one point or another in their life. Regardless of the reason and the circumstances, we have all already done this in order to please and not disappoint. This habit, as bad as it is, is unfortunately found very frequently in bed. Indeed, it happens more often that we think that one of the partners is pretending to experience pleasure in bed. Why do we act like this? This month, Sexxx Plus has chosen to analyze orgasm simulation for you. Focus on this very present trend in our society.
Why do we simulate?
The reasons that push us to simulate an orgasm are relatively numerous and raise a number of questions on the subject. Are we putting too much pressure on ourselves to perform in bed? Do we want to please at all costs, to the point of simulating orgasm so as not to disappoint our partner?

Over the past year, one in four women said they did not have an orgasm during their last sexual encounter. Without throwing an arrow at their partner's performance, they rather indicate that their heads are often too full to the point of losing concentration when they make love. Thinking about work, children's activities or even house maintenance are, indeed, ideas that it is better to put out of your mind in order to enjoy the present moment and the caresses of your partner.
When the sexual relationship is well underway and we do not feel the orgasm is about to come, we may then be inclined to simulate. This is often done in order not to disappoint his or her partner who might question themselves to the point of finding themselves awkward in bed. Faking orgasm during sexual intercourse is also done occasionally by 60% of women and 25% of men.
Sexologists say that pretending should not be a habit in bed since it can lead your partner in the wrong direction. Indeed, if your partner believes that he or she has succeeded in making you orgasm with his or her caresses, he or she will think that these famous caresses will have been effective and will tend to reproduce them when you make love. It is therefore better to be honest and admit to him that you will not be able to achieve an orgasm during this sexual encounter.

How do we simulate?
Once we realize that we will not be able to reach orgasm, whatever the reason, we quickly start acting out in order to end the sexual relationship.

As soon as your partner has enjoyed or is about to do so, the simulation comes into play. Most of the time, your breathing will increase intensely and loudly and you will make a few well-felt sounds and moans. You will increase the pace of movements such as going back and forth, open your mouth, and achieve, in a completely simulated way, that desired orgasm that does not come. And subsequently, as you will be drained of your energy, you will let yourself fall limply on the bed, and enter your post-sexual recovery phase.

If this technique allows you to avoid having to justify yourself to your partner and prevent them from questioning their performance, it should be used with great restraint. Be careful not to get into the habit of simulating orgasm and lose sight of the main reason for sexual relations in a get closer and connect together!

The next time you're tempted to fake an orgasm, remember that sexual stimulators exist and there are a multitude of ways to use them. If your partner has already reached orgasm, no problem, because these little objects of pleasure can be used very well by 2 people!

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