The PUMPED Extreme Power Auto Pump Automatic Penis Enhancer is a deluxe pump that will give you incredible results! It is placed around your penis and helps you have a more powerful erection by suction. Indeed, the suction inside the cylinder leads to greater blood flow into the penis. After reaching the desired size, your penis is temporarily bigger and your erection more impressive!
See your penis grow visibly with this transparent and graduated penis pump. Simply press the power button on the remote control to very easily create an air vacuum around the penis which will make it grow in both length and width. You will gain a striking visual effect and even more satisfactory reports!
A quick stop button allows you to release all pressure when you want to end the session. A silicone cock ring is included to help maintain the erection even longer!
The Extreme Power Auto Pump Automatic Penis Enhancer is rechargeable (cable included) and offers a battery life of 8 hours! Full charge time: 6 hours